Distance: 4.16 Miles
And-over Trail Events LTD - Linkenholt Campsite, Linkenholt, Andover, SP11 0EA
Back yard ultra is the brain child of Laz. Race director of the Barkley Marathon and Big Backyard.
We are very excited to be an affiliated Backyard ultra event.
Run On Trails brings you Linkenholt Backyard Ultra. A last person standing event with NO FINISH TIME JUST ONE FINISHER.
The event starts @1800hrs 9th July and goes on as long as you do.
Every hour, on the hour participants must start and complete a 4.1 mile loop. If you don't start or are late or don't finish a loop within the hour then your race is over. The quicker you complete a loop the longer you get to rest, but go out to quick and you WILL BURN YOURSELF OUT. Careful planning is the key. The winner MUST complete one solo lap.
Winner will recieve bespoke medal and winners trophy and a £250 donation towards your travel costs should you be invited to the Big Backyard in Tennessee.
Included in your ticket will be entry to the event, free parking for the entirety of the event and camping for you and 2 crew.
We are super excited to bring you this event on a private estate in North Hampshire.
Distance: 4.16 Miles